10 Dec The Project
Several studies in the last years have addressed the issue of “early school leavers” (ESL): among the causes of ESL investigated, it appeared that low self-esteem seems to “freeze” the ability to solve problems. There is a clear need for the education system to offer shared altenatives to prevent school drop-out ahead of time. The causes of ESL are mainly due to situations the encompasses family and school, in realtion to all social-pedagocial area tha tincludes the ability to achieve certain educational standards identificated as referential models.
The factors that cause of the drop out of the education context derive from poor performances of learning difficulty existing since the early school years, from unsuitable or no planning of the leisure and individual time, combined with a limited partecipation in the activities carried out within the school. In some cases, weak verbal skills are associated with tehse factors.Throughout life, the ability to learn continuosly and autonomously is listed as a prerequisite for social inclusion. This give the school the task of providing students with intellectuals tools, but also the beliefs and self- regulation skills thoughout their lives. The school the task of providing students with intellectuals tool, but also the beliefs and self – regulation skills throghout their lives.
The promotion of rational and emotional abilities represents a social and political significant value, given the conditions of high unenployement of young people and the intensification of strict mechanism of competition between pople and countries.
Early school leaving is an obstacle to ecnonimc growth and employement for EU Countries.It hampers productivity and ccompetitiveness, and fuels poverty and social exclusion.
Whit this shrinking workforce, Europe has to make full use of its human resources.
Young people who leave education and training prematurely are bound to lack skills and qualifications, and to face serious, persistent problems on the labour market.
It aims to inspire and generate the development of a comprehensive approach to ESL.
The project intends to develop and disseminate an innovative pedagogic method, based on the centrlity of pupils and of their emotional needs and requests, aiming to prevent and/or to face the early school leaving phenomenon.
Thei aim is to develop an unique pattern flexible enough to be adapeted to the speicific contexts and conditions of the different regions and individual situation.
LIKE project takes stock from the results obtained through the expierence of the SSP and, specifically, the methodological appoach adopted for the development of the teaching kit (manual and tutorials) based on life skills, which was adopted in schools identified by the partnership for the experimentation.
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